Useful links

Scottish Dancing in the world

  • - The Royal Scottish Dance Society
    Official website of the Royal Scottish Dance Society. Information for RSCDS members, lists of international events and branches.
  • - Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary
    The dictionary of Scottish Country Dancing terms. Descriptions of steps and formations in Scottish dances with pictures and diagrams. Cribs of Scottish Dances with videos.
  • - Strathspey Server
    Discussion board of Scottish Dances, with many teachers throughout the world. Also a large dance database with many useful features (search by formations, complexity etc)
  • - MiniCrib
    The most complete database of Scottish Dance cribs. Currently there are more than 4500 dances in this database.
  • - Celtic Circle
    Information of Scottish events and dance groups in Europe.

Scottish Dancing in Russia

We compiled the information of the Scottish Dance groups in Russia on the separate page. If your school isn't listed - e-mail us.

Music and Music bands
